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1 Corinthians 12:31 NIV
1 Corinthians 12:31 NIV
What better way to become God dependent than to learn about and know God through His Word? The Bible Study Homework is a resource to help new believers become familiar with Biblical principles that will help them to achieve spiritual change from the inside out. 

One psychiatrist (at least) views the Sermon as the answer:
Guide for Meeting Leaders of “The Most Excellent Way” Fellowship /Support Meetings:
    1)  Download the study.
    2)  Photocopy or print each study for each participant.
    3)  After the Bible Study portion of your meeting, read 
through the study with your group, considering a few of the questions. It is not necessary to answer 
all the questions — by merely reading them, participants will recognize that there are indeed Biblical principles to help them mature in their spiritual walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 
“I believe the following to be true: If you were to take the sum total of all the authoritative articles ever written by the most qualified of psychologists and psychiatrists on the subject of mental [health] — if you were to combine them, and refine them, and [remove] all the excess [words] — if you were to have these unadulterated bits of pure scientific knowledge concisely expressed by the most capable of living poets, you would have an awkward and incomplete summation of The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5, 6 and 7). And it would be much less by comparison. For nearly two thousand years, the Christian world has been holding in its hands the complete answer… Here rests the blueprint for a successful human life, with optimum mental health and contentment.” — James T. Fischer, M.D.
Jesus said:  
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; 
and all these things shall  be added unto you."
~Matthew 6:33
MATTHEW 5, 6 & 7
Table of Contents

                JESUS TEACHES:
Study 1     THE BEATITUDES ~ Put On Jesus’ Attitudes ... 5:1-12
Study 2     ABOUT SALT AND LIGHT Put On Jesus ... 5:13-16
Study 3   •  THE LAW ~ Put On God’s Law (Righteousness) ... 5:17-20
Study 4     ABOUT ANGER ~ Put On Reconciliation ... 5:21-26
Study 5   •  ABOUT LUST ~ Put On Purity ... 5:27-30
Study 6     ABOUT DIVORCE ~ Put On Marital Fidelity ... 5:31-32 
Study 7     ABOUT MAKING PROMISES ~ Put On Truth Telling ... 5:33-37
Study 8     ABOUT RETALIATION ~ Put On Self-Denial ... 5:38-42
Study 9   •  ABOUT LOVE ~ Put On Love ... 5:43-48
Study 10 •  ABOUT GIVING ~ Put On Selflessness ... 6:1-4 
Study 11   HOW NOT TO PRAY ~ Put Off Carnal Prayer ... 6:5-8
Study 12   HOW TO PRAY ~ Put On Reverent Prayer ... 6:9-15 
Study 13  ABOUT FASTING ~ Put On Spiritual Maturity ... 6:16-18
Study 14  ABOUT MONEY ~ Put On Spiritual Investments ... 6:19-24
Study 15  ABOUT WORRY ~ Put On Hope & Faith ... 6:25-32
Study 16  ABOUT RIGHTEOUSNESS ~ Put On God & Faithfulness ... 6:33-34
Study 17  ABOUT JUDGING OTHERS ~ Put On Forgiveness ... 7:1-6
Study 18  ABOUT SPIRITUAL RESOURCES ~ Put On Spiritual Discernment ... 7:7-11
Study 19  ABOUT LOVE ~ Put On Godly Character ... 7:12
Study 20  ETERNAL LIFE ~ Follow Jesus On The Strait & Narrow Road ... 7:13-14
Study 21  ABOUT SPIRITUAL FRUIT ~ Put On Obedience ... 7:15-23
Study 22  ABOUT LIFE & DEATH ~ Put On True Discipleship 

 The Most Excellent Way Christian Fellowship © 2009-2017.  All rights reserved. 
375 Madrona Ave S Salem, OR 97302 • 800-548-8854
This page was last updated: November 5, 2024
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