Onward, Christian soldiers,
marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; Forward into battle see
His banners go!
The purpose of God’s spiritual armor:
- God’s armor prepares Believers to resist the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).
- God’s armor enables Believers to stand firm in the strength of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:10-11, 13).
- Protection by all parts of God’s armor helps Believers to be equipped for walking daily in the confidence of the Lord (Ephesians 6:13-17).
- The struggle for Believers in Christ is not only the physical realm. We are also in a massive spiritual battle against rulers, powers, the world forces of darkness, and spiritual forces of wickedness (Ephesians 6:12).
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world and against
the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
~ Ephesians 6:12
Put On the Full Armor of God
The Most Excellent Way Christian Fellowship © 2009-2017. All rights reserved.
375 Madrona Ave S Salem, OR 97302 • 800-548-8854
This page was last updated: November 4, 2024
To put on the "full armor"--and enjoy a daily and eternal love-relationship with Jesus Christ, thank Him for what He has shown you in His Word. Know the Scriptures behind your prayer so that your words and faith are grounded in the authority of the Bible. Then pray through each piece. You can use the following prayer as an outline:
Thank you, my Lord, for showing me the TRUTH about Yourself, Your plans and Your ways. Thank You for reminding me that You are the only God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the King of the universe, my Father who loves me, and my Shepherd who leads me. You are my wisdom, my counselor, my hope, and my strength. You are everything I need each day!
Thank You for showing me the truth about myself ~ that on my own I could never be good enough to live in your presence. Thank You for taking my sins to the cross and offering me Your perfect, RIGHTEOUS life. Lord, show me any sin that I need to confess right now, so that nothing will hinder me from being filled to overflowing with Your Spirit. [Take time for confession] Thank You for forgiving me and for filling me with your RIGHTEOUS life.
Thank You for the peace you give me when I trust and follow you. Show me how to help others find that PEACE.
Thank You for helping me have FAITH in You. I choose to count on everything You have shown me about Yourself, and everything You have promised me in Your Word.
Thank You for promising me SALVATION both for today's battles and for all eternity.
Thank You for the Scriptures You have given me to memorize. Please show me which You want me to use to cut through deceptions and gain Your victory in any battle I may face today.