Victory over addiction is happening everyday around the world as Jesus Christ sets people free. The Most Excellent Way is love and Christ’s love is transforming people; and we get to be a part of it!
The Most Excellent Way began in 1986 as a small prayer group seeking God’s will. Glen and Judy Wright desired to minister to people in addiction - all kinds of addiction. Having been set free from addiction themselves, they desired to see others in that joy as well. They, also, wanted to minister to the families and friends of addicts, to help them know what to do and what not to do as they navigated the very difficult waters supporting someone they cared about. They believed “love never fails,” and they lived that out through TMEW.
The word about TMEW spread throughout their church in Southern California and then to other churches. Today there are over 100 restoration groups spread throughout the world! And 100 is a conservative number. We at TMEW International continue to be contacted by groups that we were unaware are meeting - groups that began when Judy was ill with cancer in 2020. If you are leading a group and do not see yours listed on the “USA Support Meetings” page, please contact us with your information as we want to let people know you are up and ministering.
Glen and Judy are now both with our Savior. They finished the race, having remained dedicated to seeing people set free for decades. When Judy handed off the TMEW International ministry, back in June of 2020, she was very thankful that TMEW would carry on in God’s power. Both Glen and Judy recognized that it was our Savior who began TMEW all those years ago and Judy said the evening of June 21, 2020, “It gives me goosebumps to know Jesus will continue His good work through The Most Excellent Way. I am ready to be with Him.”
TMEW today is dedicated to the biblical principles based entirely on the promises God makes in His Word, as Jesus sets people free. With God as our only higher power and His Holy Spirit as our guide, the meetings today continue to grow steadily. The Father keeps His promises, and we are privileged to see the miraculous work of His love for mankind.
It’s been many years, since TMEW has had a national conference, May 20-21 we had one and it took place in Salem, Oregon. The links to watch the sessions are below on this page. We have had great feedback on the content, and we know if you are leading a TMEW support meeting you will be greatly encouraged. If you desire to begin a TMEW ministry at your church, please contact us through this website. If you have any questions, please write us an email ( or call us at 1-800-548-8854.
We are excited to see what is taking place all around the United States and the world, as people are experiencing the true victory of a transformed life found only in Jesus Christ.
May the Lord richly bless you!
-Matt MacCollin
Director of TMEW International
"The Most Excellent Way" started in order to restore confidence to the addicted in the Word of God. In fact, the Bible provides a real solution for that struggle, whether it be with alcohol ... drugs ... sexual sin ... pornography ... whatever.
Since 1986, "The Most Excellent Way" has made its primary goal to declare the power that God makes available to a person to overcome addictions through the Cross. We had become slaves to our addiction, but the Bible holds out this great promise: that through Christ we can be made free. Jesus promised: "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed" ~John 8:36.
Living Victoriously For Him!
This page was last updated: November 5, 2024
The Most Excellent Way Christian Fellowship © 2009-2018. All rights reserved.
375 Madrona Ave S Salem, OR 97302 • 800-548-8854
At a time when so many are searching for the answer to addiction, the world has risen to the occasion offering one program after another. But what is the answer to the Church for the problem of addiction?
Is the Word of God silent about this plague sweeping across our nation, and destroying everything in its path? Is mankind a victim, unable to resist sinful impulses because of a disease and, thus, unaccountable to God? Can one imprisoned by addiction ever be free?
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